So much Li Yueling heart thumped a pair of eyebrows slightly wrinkled way that’s still in the early days.

Six-armed pale ape nodded and confirmed this repair.
Then when you saw what magic weapon it was, Li Yueling seemed to grasp a little key and asked
Back to the patriarch, Shang Tong’s evil dumpling was sacrificed when he hit it. After throwing it, he saw a yellow seal about the size of Xu.
When the power is triggered, it suddenly shines brighter than Yao, and Jin Xia Huan’s color is also the one that encircles the evil dumpling life.
To develop the evil dumpling according to the situation at that time, it’s strange to blame that it was too big, and it was as sure as a gun, but I didn’t expect that the evil dumpling was still a means to die in the end in Xuanyin Erwu soul-cutting knife.
It seems that it’s true that he is still dead. It is estimated that his evil dumpling is a monster with an initial knot. There is no magic weapon to suppress him, and then he can finish the work. It is because of this great thought that he has turned the demon into a fatal move.
It seems that the level of repair is not the key to determine the strength of the key, but the magic weapon is the key to win the game. Isn’t it just like killing the water repair in the late Ming Dynasty with several magic weapons and a sudden attack?
Li Yueling shook his head and chuckled, saying that the information of knowing ourselves and knowing ourselves is always in the first place. After a preliminary understanding of the evil dumpling means, his mind is already an idea that has just been refined into an elixir monster, which is equivalent to fixing the truth in Yuan infant period. In fact, after all, this evil dumpling can be regarded as general.
The evil dumpling is fierce in the monster elixir, which is different from Buddhism and Taoism. Once refined, Yuanying elixir is a more powerful magic weapon, and the second one is that the evil dumpling holds the magic weapon Xuanyin Erwu soul-cutting knife.
Li Yueling has heard of this stuff, but it was an amazing magic weapon during the evil war of Shushan in those days. Although it is not very powerful, it is far worse than Li Yueling’s snatch of the green Suojian, but it is definitely the first choice in sneak attack and assassination.
I don’t know how this thing got into the evil dumpling in the pool of gathering yin and cold.
By the way, how many monsters are there in this cold pool forbidden zone today? Li Yueling, after weighing it, recognizes that he has finished his ability to kill that evil dumpling, but it is the same as killing, which can reduce the risk by a few minutes. It’s always good for his evil dumpling to fight hard and not correct himself. Will the future monster master deal with him together?
It is not difficult for the four demons around us to convince those monsters who are afraid every day to invest in their own clan.
The five-tailed fox demon is the most intelligent of the four demons. She took the lead in grasping the meaning of Li Yueling and immediately volunteered. The patriarch said that there should be seventy monster colleagues in the forbidden circle in Fiona Fang in this cold pool for more than ten miles. If it is possible, my daughter is willing to run together with the six big brothers, and all the demons will be called together to worship the patriarch’s door first, and then the evil dumpling will be destroyed together. Those monsters and monsters are all killed by the cruel atrocities of the evil dumpling. Then I hope that the patriarch can show some means or give them some confidence.
Don’t you notice the evil dumpling with such fanfare? Li Yueling is enchanted, but he doesn’t understand.
Chapter one hundred and forty-three Poly demon work together 2
Six-armed pale ape said, this is not the case. The evil dumpling will devour one or two monsters every sixty days, and then it will stay in the abode of fairies and immortals. If it can’t get into the abode of fairies and immortals for ten days, the evil dumpling will surely not notice the movement.
Li Yueling smiled and said, "What are you waiting for? You two go and recruit other monsters. Just go to the central cold pool. What means will you show when the monsters are recruited? However, you can see with your own eyes that after ordering the five-tailed fox demon and the six-armed pale ape, Li Yueling turned to the pig and the tiger. Come with me."
But at this moment, Jin Nuanyu, on the other side of the mountain, is pacing up and down in the abode of fairies and immortals with anxiety, and Li Yueling is still annoyed at not agreeing to take her with him.
Seeing my mistress in such a hurry, I’m sure he won’t miss this opportunity to kiss up. I’ll hang my head and eyes and encourage you, Madam. Don’t worry, Master. He holds the ghost and eats the soul in his hand. How can that evil dumpling be his old man’s opponent? That’s not an easy solution.
Little guess master must have thought that this whole thing was too simple and it didn’t take Jenny with him.
Besides, I’ll also go with Master Tuozhu Dahu so that it won’t be a problem. The real thing is the evil dumpling.
Jin Nuanyu listened to the poison shadow, but her anxiety turned to the poison shadow. Then when will Yueling come back?
This question obviously stumped the poison shadow. Where did he know how long it would take Li Yueling to solve the evil dumpling? But now Jenny’s adult has asked it, and he can’t stop laughing at the poison shadow for a long time.
Don’t be like this. Isn’t Master Jenny leaving a magic pill when she leaves? Not now. After the exercise and pranayama, I want to come. I’ll wait here for Master Jenny to protect the law when I was young.
Jin Nuanyu, if you think about it deeply, it’s too low to worry about yourself. Although the poison shadow is oily, this remark is quite right. At this time, you are worried that you will not step up your cultivation.
It’s better than being in a hurry
Important friends can’t type the old domain name, but they can access it by visiting the alternate domain name.
After reading this, Jin Nuanyu smiled and thanked you. After that, he swallowed a magic pill that Li Yueling left for her before her hair, and went into the nearest stone temple to exercise and resolve her medicine.
Poison shadow has seen such temperament and beauty as Jin Nuan jade, and the beautiful woman smiled and almost lost her soul for a while.
It was not until Jin Nuanyu stepped into the stone temple that he recovered, and at the same time he secretly said in his heart that Mrs. Jenny was noble, beautiful and kind-hearted
If you are still so kind to yourself, you must protect her.
I’m afraid Li Yueling will be surprised if she knows that Jin Nuan Yu’s personal strength can make poison shadow such a real villain produce this idea, so the beauty lethality will have to ask poison shadow himself.
Li Yueling and Pig Tiger 2 came to the cold pool side.
Li Yueling first fixed his eyes on the evil dumpling entrenched in the abode of fairies and immortals not far away, but he could vaguely see a bluish-gray need, which was quite imposing in the abode of fairies and immortals.
Immediately release a trace of god knowledge to explore.
Which thought that Li Yueling’s strong unique knowledge was also abruptly blocked outside the haunting abode of fairies and immortals, which surprised the former heart. According to the current intelligence, this evil dumpling’s physical strength could not have the earth to the point of not knowing the gods.
But the fact is that Li Yueling is equivalent to a distracted mid-term practice to have the knowledge of the earth, which has also been blocked outside the abode of fairies and immortals.