It’s a lie to say you’re not grateful, but …

This kind of thing really pays attention to a fate.
Now that Fang Siyi is about to be promoted to his father, it is naturally not his problem, that is to say …
The problem is likely to appear in her body!
Take it out for a checkup?
Gao Yuanyuan thought so.
Chapter 7 Family Dinner
To tell the truth, she is not so eager for children.
In fact, in most cases, she prefers to be alone quietly.
However, the expectation of the elderly at home still gives Gao Yuanyuan a headache
But she has no reason to refuse.
Father’s original words are that you should get something for Gao’s family, so you can do whatever you want in the end.
Although in modern society, one’s own family is also a family, but that’s the case, and this patriarchal thinking is becoming more and more serious.
Here Gao Yuanyuan was thinking, and there was a sneak attack by Yingbao. Ya Ya had already turned against the guest host.
"Feed you two here to show off to who? I’m not single dog! " Gao Yuanyuan looked up and saw two people laughing with anger.
"Ha ha," ya ya said with a slight petite body holding Yingbao. "Who made Yingbao comfortable to hold? I can’t help it! "
"I’m not a pillow!" Yingbao said with some chafing
"Yes … you are a big doll!" Ya ya quipped with a smile.
"Hum!" Yingbao although very proudly hum a but did not refute.
Just chatting Fang Siyi came in.
"aye? What about power sister? "
"I sent her back to the bedroom when she was clamoring for sleep." Fang Siyi sat and looked at her holding Yingbao and said naively, "You two didn’t really bend, did you?"
"Why not?" Yingbao hooked her neck and said discontentedly, "You are not as good as a cucumber now!"
"Me? Cucumber? " Fang Siyi laughed angrily. "Do you dare to say it again?"
"You yellow … ah!" I was about to say that Yingbao was directly grabbed by Fang Siyi and then turned around and was pressed by Fang Siyi’s leg.
"pa! Bang! Hey! "
The other two with an easy grace ate their dinner happily, or they were chatting in a low voice.
"This one is louder than before."
"This technique has been quickly exercised."
"You … you …" Yingbao wanted to cry.
She was beaten!
Why don’t you step on her without comfort?
"Come on, are you addicted?" Ya Ya rolled her eyes and said grumpily, "He is not afraid of his own PG flowering every day!" "
"Sister Ya!" Yingbaogong face egg JiaoChen way "it’s not you … blare-"
Ignored the two idiots, and Fang Siyi’s eyes fell on Gao Yuanyuan.
"Sister Yuanyuan, do you have something on your mind?"
Fang Siyi’s voice is light, but his eyes are very serious.
"I …" Here are all "belonging to the family" and Gao Yuanyuan doesn’t want to hide anything and directly tells his troubles.
Gao Yuanyuan, a big girl in Beijing, rarely hides anything.
"This ….." Fang Siyi also embarrassed.
After all, this kind of thing can really follow fate.
"That Yuanyuan elder sister, aren’t you going to start counting days?" Yingbao smiled heartlessly. "I remember that this is the time when you came to visit your relatives in a few days …"
"Silly girl!" Gao Yuanyuan naidi said, "Are you really not angry or are you playing the fool? This kind of thing … shouldn’t you stop it? "
Another woman, her husband and lover want a child, and they have tried their best to get rid of it. Where can they make fun of this one as heartlessly?
"I can’t control him!" Yingbao discontentedly skimmed the pie mouth and said unhappily, "Besides, did I say this sentence?"
Gao Yuanyuan choked.
"Come on, come on, you two … how old are you?" Ya ya said naively, "This kind of thing … goes with fate."
"Yes," Fang Siyi dared to answer Naidi at this time. "Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to have a better pregnancy … What are you doing in such a hurry?"
"Hum! I can support myself! " Gao Yuanyuan took a white Fang Siyi and said grumpily.
But the brow depression has dissipated a lot.
"yes! Yes! Our big dollar is the best! " Fang Siyi perfunctory said
"You … Hum!" Gao Yuanyuan was short of breath, so he took a fancy to such an asshole!
Suddenly there was an extra person at the door of the restaurant.
Looking back, it was a little fox rubbing his eyes with a doorframe.
"aye? Aren’t you sleeping? How … "Fang Siyi hurriedly to help.
"Hungry," the little fox muttered, rubbing his eyes
Then two people came to the table.
However, Fang Siyi is surrounded by Yingbao, which makes people a little embarrassed. Yingbao just doesn’t get up as if he didn’t see it.
Fox steps at Fang Siyi.
To tell the truth, Yingbao is being ridiculous.
This kind of thing is really not suitable for him to speak.
There is no way to look at Gao Yuanyuan around me for help.
Gao Yuanyuan sighed in the heart and didn’t want him to get up and sit down beside Ya Ya directly.
Fox just sat and looked at Yingbao and didn’t speak.
The atmosphere at the table is somewhat depressing.
Fang Siyi nai sighed for two people uncomfortable and some headaches.
I have the heart to persuade him, but he is wrong in this matter. If I persuade him again, I am afraid it will be counterproductive.
But don’t advise to see two people like this every day Fang Siyi also has some headaches.
"Eat!" Finally Fang Siyi can also stiffly throw out such a sentence.
However, this attitude naturally makes Yingbao feel extremely unwilling.

"Still sleepy?" Qin Yue asked again.

"Not sleepy" simply shook his head and blushed unconsciously.
"However, you are responsible for taking your sister to wash her face, brush her teeth and change clothes. Dad is here waiting for you to have breakfast together." Qin Yue added.
"Good Dad" Xiao Ran Ranlin likes what her father has arranged for her and will actively complete it to prove that she is also very powerful.
Xiao Ran, however, tried to slip out of bed when he rolled, but he rolled out of bed because he was too small.
Jane tried to catch her, but it was too slow to catch her and watched Xiao Ran fall to the ground.
Xiao Ran fell to the soil, got up, rubbed his little ass and squashed his mouth "Dad-"
"However, are you going to show your crying nose to your father and big sister?" Qin Yue looked at her distressed and funny.
"But don’t cry" is still here. Sister Ran is here. She won’t cry. Don’t leave a bad impression on Sister Ran.
Jane gave Qin Yue a discontented look at the bed and picked Xiao Ran up. "Did Xiao Ran tell her sister where she fell? Is there any pain? "
Xiao Ran, however, rubbed his shoulders on Jane’s shoulders and said softly, "But it doesn’t hurt, but she takes her sister to wash her face."
"Well, I went with my sister" because I was dissatisfied with Qin Yue’s failure to comfort Xiao Ran, but I simply didn’t want to see him.
Watching the mother and daughter wash their hands, Qin Yue shook his head naively again. It seems that his position at home will plummet after that.
Breakfast table is made by Qin Yue according to Jane’s preferences, and they often eat meals when they were together. He wants to remind Jane of something through some subtle details.
However, Qin Yue’s careful preparation of food roots did not attract Jane’s attention, and her whole heart was in Xiao Ran.
These days, even he doesn’t stick to Xiao Ran, but it’s rare that he didn’t find a fierce brother at the breakfast table. It seems that he can see it in his eyes.
Is this what people often say that mother and daughter are connected to each other?
None of them know each other’s identity, but their love for each other is so obvious that no one can replace their position in each other’s hearts.
Qin Yue, who has been left out by her mother and daughter, tried to find a snack in a simple bowl. "However, you can eat by yourself. Don’t care about her, you can eat a little."
"Good" Jane replied and smiled back at him.
"Jane, I’ve told your company leaders that you don’t go to the company class these days and work at home to help our family design three gifts."
When I heard Qin Yue’s words, I suddenly asked, "How much is Qin Yue like your wife?"
"It’s exactly the same. There’s no difference. Lian Xiao is the same. The same smile has deceived me several times." Qin Yue wanted to say this to Jane, but he couldn’t say it to scare her again?
So Qin Yuehao changed the saying, "You are your person and can replace Jane."
Chapter 254 It’s no coincidence
Jane has to admit that Qin Yue, a man, is really not as powerful as pick up hot chicks.
He opened his mouth and said a word casually, which could make her blush and her heart beat for a long time.
She quickly bowed her head and ate breakfast seriously, pretending that she didn’t ask anything just now and didn’t hear anything.
However, Qin Yue didn’t want to give up so easily and continued, "I didn’t pursue you with anyone else. I just wanted to pursue you."
Simple "…"
This man-
It’s always so direct, always so sudden that she can’t cope.
"Dad likes to be natural and big." Xiao Ran also helps dad speak.
Don’t be a child who doesn’t know anything, but his heart is blank. Just by looking at his father’s expression, Xiao Ran can know that his father is very fond of his father and she is also very fond of him.
Simple "…"
It’s not only Qin Yue, the man, who let her parry this little baby in his family, but also let her parry it.
Xiao Ran, however, said, "However, I want to be a mother."
It doesn’t sound like Xiao Ran, but at such a big age, would say, simply look at your eyes. Qin Yue has some dissatisfaction. The thing is how big people can benefit children.
"My aunt said that my mother knew that she had a mother when she flew back from the sky." Xiao Ran had already forgotten that when my aunt told her, she told her not to say that she was taught by her aunt.
After hearing what Xiao Ran said, Jane felt sour again. She didn’t have the heart to refuse the child at all, but she had to refuse.
Xiao Ran will always be white when she grows up, even if she looks like her mother, it can’t replace her real mother.
Jane has temporarily lived in Nuoyuan for a simple reason. She helped Qin Yue design a three-person ceremony.
Qin Yue went to class, Xiao Ran went to kindergarten, and Qin Xiaobao didn’t come back. In addition to the servants, she didn’t even find a speaker.
There is a studio near the garden on the east side of Nuoyuan. The studio is a glass house. The painting tools in the studio are all together. It can be seen that it was specially prepared by Qin Yueren.
Jane came to the Qin family for the first time, and there was an easel in the master bedroom house. So she understood that these things must have been prepared by Qin Yue’s wife.
The name is the same, the looks are similar, and now even the hobby of painting is the same. These days, images come to my mind from time to time. She lost that memory and her abdominal scar-
No matter from which point of view, this is definitely not a coincidence. Is she the "Jane" who passed away from the world?
Thought of here, Jane suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and her fists were tightly clenched into fists.
She told herself that she couldn’t hide in her shell like she used to and pretend that nothing had happened.
She must find a way to get back her memory, even if the past memory is not good, but that is also a part of her past, and she can only be considered a complete person if she gets it back.
But how should she find it?
At least she needs to find some clues.
Who can give her clues?
Jane closed her eyes and seriously thought that her father knew her past best, but she didn’t want the clue that the past was her father must be cut off.
Then she can think about others, Qin Yue can’t, Xiao Ran can’t, Qin Xiaobao can’t, and she wants to think about Lingfei simply.
Although we haven’t been together for a long time, we can also feel the profound friendship of Lingfei language.
I don’t know Lingfei’s language. This is the best breakthrough to help her retrieve her past memories.
Jane tried hard to recall what Lingfei said to her. She said that they were good friends and came to Jiangbei together from Kyoto-
They came to Jiangbei from Kyoto together, and my father said that he had something to do in Kyoto, so did this matter go with her?
On this day, I didn’t do anything serious, but I was thinking about my past.
Qin Yue didn’t go out to the company class, but with a group of experts to find ways to alleviate the pain of quitting morphine simply.
Later, he and Xiao Qinghe met several internationally famous psychologists, hoping to find ways to help Jane restore her memory.
It was not early when he finished these things. He didn’t go anywhere and went straight home because there was Jane waiting for him at home.
Listen to the servant said Jane ran in the studio and Qin Yue came here for the first time to find her.
After a short distance, he saw Jane sitting quietly in the studio in a daze and didn’t know what she was thinking.

So how do you tie a man who can’t meet for a long time and is also a young male director who can control the fate of many people?

What’s more, Fang Siyi is not ugly
Now there are two roads in front of Yingbao.
The first one is to listen, and then one day they break up and cut off the connection completely.
The second is simply to have a child. She knows Fang Siyi, and Fang Siyi will definitely marry her. Then there will be ways to tie him down.
But neither of these two roads will work.
They are not the kind of ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend who meet each other and then get together. They are lovers who have developed since childhood!
Chapter 24 Women’s Contest (1)
In other words, their feelings are far deeper than ordinary people!
She wants to get pregnant.
But let’s not say that she is always pregnant, and now she is just starting her career, and it is impossible to have children.
All kinds of situations, a headache problem is in front of Yingbao.
How can we completely tie down or let Fang Siyi not leave her?
She doesn’t have to be Fang Siyi, but to be honest, where can I find a boyfriend with better conditions, such as Siyi?
Being more handsome than him doesn’t necessarily make him successful.
If you are more successful than him, you are either an old man or a root who won’t look at her.
Moreover, to tell the truth, the relationship between the two has just broken out. If Fang Siyi breaks up, it will certainly make Fang Siyi blame, but what benefits will she get?
The answer is obvious and impossible.
Once we break up, it’s inevitable that Drea will continue to flow, but …
Can his company sign a contract?
Don’t be ridiculous.
During her two years in obscurity, Yingbao thoroughly saw through the present situation of the whole entertainment circle.
If you want to find a better team than Drea, you may be able to find it, but if you want to find a company that can tilt her resources more than Drea, don’t even think about it!
Artists ultimately have to look at resources.
Without a background, is she going to go back to that kind of life in the dark, getting up earlier than chickens and going to bed later than dogs every day?
After spending thousands of dollars, do you have to work hard to start a long-term career?
Yes, she does have a few movies now, but she doesn’t
Is there still a lack of examples of the best actor and the best actress?
Whether or not to break up has become an important choice for her future fate.
I have to admit that Yingbao is timid.
Facing all kinds of difficulties after breaking up, why not break up?

"It looks like it should be." Mr. Cang also leaned in to watch.

"So, it should be that after Gu She Fairy left you, she gave birth to a child, and then waited for her body to reply slightly, and went to Fusang." Chu Yanqi said.
"Yes!" The desert fairy said, "This is exactly the same as what she sent me. After she left, she ran to the Poisonous Fire Bird Pool, gave birth to you in the eyes of a spiritual spring in the Poisonous Fire Bird Pool, and then kept it for a while. After replying, she took you to the Fusang Secret Land, in which she and I always had a voice contact. Then she went to the secret land of Fusang, and we broke contact. "
"Isn’t there a big problem with my age?" ChuYan habitat wait for a while however said.
"I don’t know!" The desert fairy shook her head, and there was a time difference of at least two years.
ChuYanQi some confused, in the heart is very regret, at the beginning in the fusang shakotan coast, didn’t ask the fusang queen, her mother exactly is the time to take him to fusang shakotan coast?
But one thing is, he should be the child. Otherwise, Queen Fusang would not recognize him at a glance.
"No!" Mr. Cang said, "I checked the birth of Chu Gongzi. He was born in Kunlan Town. This is something that everyone in the Chu family can testify. There is absolutely no mistake. Then Gu She never left Kunlan Town until Chu Gongzi was about three years old. She suddenly disappeared."
ChuYan habitat gawk trance, maybe. Can he be born twice?
The Desert Fairy and Gu She are close friends, and they have a good friendship. She definitely won’t talk nonsense.
But it is an indisputable fact that he was born in Kunlan town. This is known by many people, not only Chu family. Now, although most Chu family lineages were killed, if he wants to know. Ask someone, and you can still find out after all.
"Chu childe is eighteen years old this year, right? There are many words in the error-free novel network. "The desert fairy suddenly asked.
"Yes!" ChuYanQi nodded.
"Just last year, I received a call from Gu She. Let me take care of Yanqi. " Said the desert fairy.
"Last year, you received a message from Gu She Fairy?" Cang lang leng ran, if Gu She fairy had contact with desert fairy last year, why didn’t she contact others, and how could she disappear? But just now Yu Shuiqing said. He arranged the ancient shooting fairy in the spirit spring of the poisonous fire finch pool early in the morning.
"Yes, it was last year. I didn’t receive it until last year. However, that note was sent as early as fifteen years ago. " The desert fairy said, "In this way, that Zhang Chuanyin should be when Yanqi was three years old, that is, when Gu She disappeared."
"This is impossible." Sang Changfeng shook his head. "Isn’t it all instantaneous to pass notes?"
"Yes!" The desert fairy said, "Because of this, I began to feel a little worried, so I sent the two children, Jiuhou and Shisan, to Kunlan Town, and made further plans to directly bring Prince Chu to the West Desert."
ChuYanQi gently sigh, if the desert fairy can receive a call a few days in the morning, then, the original ChuYanQi wouldn’t die, he really died too wronged.
"Someone intercepted the passing note." Mr. Cang said, "There is only one such situation."
"Yes!" The desert fairy said with a wry smile, "I think about it. Only such a factor will lead to the delay of transmitting notes for fifteen years."
"If you want to intercept the passing notes without destroying them, this person’s cultivation is very high." Sang Changfeng said, "The point is that this person may even be a master of space."
ChuYan habitat corners of the mouth couldn’t help twitching all of a sudden, meet all these requirements, only one person-and it seems that only he, is necessary to intercept GuShe fairy notes.
Yu Shuiqing-originally Chu Hua, his adoptive father.
Chu Yanqi found that he didn’t understand Chu Hua more and more. What did he want to do?
If Yu Shuiqing hadn’t intercepted the notes of Gu She Fairy, the genuine Chu Yanqi would have been taken away by the desert fairy as early as fifteen years ago. Even if the desert fairy was closed, she would have ordered her disciples to take Chu Yanqi away.
In this way, even a person with a closed mind can live a luxurious life.
Wrong … ChuYanQi suddenly feel back a burst of hot, cold sweat dripping down, his spirit qiao seal, should be caused by jade water clear.
If he hadn’t met a pervert like Xiao Nu, it would have been impossible for him to lift the seal.
Of course, ChuYan habitat thought of jade water, and they all thought of him together.
"This man is really strange. Since it was intercepted fifteen years ago, he wants to send you a message after fifteen years?" Mr. Cang frowned.
According to the time recommendation, the desert fairy received the note, which should be after the mulberry family proposed marriage. In this case, he can completely give ChuYanQi to mulberry home, there is no need to find a desert fairy.
"It turns out that King Dacheng’s brain is sick." ChuYan habitat didn’t good the spirit said, he for jade water, is really don’t know what to say, even he doesn’t know, he should hate him, or should be grateful to him.
If he hadn’t let it go, the real Chu Yanqi wouldn’t have died, and he wouldn’t have come to this world. He doesn’t know the innate conditions of possession, but he always needs some opportunities to think about it.
So, when he woke up, there was not much resentment for Chu Yunjie and others.

Julien suddenly said, "We are the fleet of Hydra’s dark side. We have been ordered by the organization to go to a certain area to explore the wonders of the universe. Please make it convenient for everyone to travel out of the galaxy. It is very difficult to go once."

"Hum the third galaxy hydra organization? Dare to strike a lighter home site. The captain is too lazy to talk nonsense. Hurry up and take these broken boats back to the place where you should go. "The arrogant tone is a commanding tone
Lin momo looked at the screen fire patrol. A total of six bow boats are elite, and five of them are B-class. This force is not strong, and the confrontation may be weak. Maybe the Tianzhu fleet will be damaged. Can it be said that the fire family found the debris of destruction? Now it’s easy to rush, or what can the firemen do if they don’t let go of a ship?
"Even begin" Lin momo extremely flat and agile Phantom of the Opera hull a slight flash display ship lighter feather drifted to the fire home patrol near.
There is a certain distance between the two fleets, but this distance is close at hand for the Phantom of the Opera, and at the same time, the Blood Reward disappears.
Since Lin momo decided to make moves, he didn’t let go of the other party’s plan. The incarnate son has started the record list, and the unified force shocked the universe and spread it in all directions.
"Warn the other side that the record score has reached the fourth floor. Because the ship is in the core of coercion, its strength is being reduced, it is warned again …" The arrogance of the fire patrol fleet sounded a similar alarm and disappeared completely.
"Impossible what will be the fourth floor? Is it odd level "fire home several captains in utter amazement, although they are from the fire home, but they are not important people. When they meet odd level, they are also scared to stand on the spot.
The first galaxy of Firefighters has a long reputation. The six Firefighters’ captains are lucky that this "odd class" is trying to be overbearing. After all, will there be any good results if they rashly fight with the "odd class" at different levels?
Lin momo bluffing plan is very successful. Maybe elite star cruises can reach the third floor of the record list, but most of them have already reached the odd level if they want to reach the fourth floor of the record list.
Every second counts in the battlefield, the Phantom of the Opera, let alone the odd level. Actually, it is not even a B-level strength. The Phantom of the Opera has an ordinary elite star cruise ship. Unfortunately, it still lacks several mobile turrets.
The solar sail of Phantom of the Opera revealed the outline of the giant, and sixteen bloody epiphyllum competed for development. Then the giant opened his mouth and spewed out a pale beam of light. There was a hissing sound in the wave frequency, and the communication between the ships appeared for a few seconds.
At the same time, the difficult and dark sound spread to all directions, and someone whispered, "The five-star blood ban may be a semi-god-based phantom of the Red Lotus super C-class ship."
"Rumble …" The center of Phantom of the Opera blooms a vast purple light cloud outward, and then a spiral magneto-optical beam comes in, and the strongest magneto-optical beam attacks the elite star cruise ship of Firehouse Patrol.
"Hey this attack? The other party can’t be a strange level. "The captain of the fire house is not low in quality, and he knows that he has been deceived. Although he is still suppressed by the record list, his fear is not so strong.
"Quick counter-offensive organization counter-offensive" The fire captains reacted and couldn’t wait to run to the battery area to kick the gunner.
Do you still want to counterattack under such circumstances? The Phantom of the Opera has opened the lighter of four patrol boats, the energy shield and the blood reward are attached to the elite star cruise ship near the fire house, and the high-strength firepower instantly covers the enemy ships, and the battle is hot.
How far away is Zeus? It is different from adding snow and frost to the Firehouse patrol that the ship moves and the lighter is full of false and real light beams.
Houfulong, Blade, Langqi, Black Rose and Feiyu rushed to the crowd like wolves. There is nothing to say. It is the best policy to try your best to kill Huojia patrol.
The cannon light covers more than 100 kilometers in Fiona Fang. The Firehouse patrol was in the wind from the beginning, and there was no chance of winning when the Tianzhu fleet came to siege. The elite star cruise ship ran first and the speed was quite fast.
The Phantom of the Opera pursues the elite of Firefighters. How big can it be for Julien to command five B-class star cruise ships with their shells peeled off? Lin momo’s only requirement before leaving is a quick victory.
Firehouse elite star cruises released five mobile turrets and hit three bombs to save lives. Only then did they feel that high pillow worry was a strange scene. A ridiculous sailboat flashed sky purple light and unexpectedly rushed through the energy impact zone caused by the bombs to kill the crowd.
Volume 12 War! Star rolling Chapter 64 Slay
Even if a ship escapes to find the real black hand fleet, it will be even worse. It is hard to say whether these six ships have escaped from heaven.
The bomb of destruction, as its name suggests, will bring destruction to the enemy. Who made the Second Galaxy of Linsiso get a large amount of purple paint? This is a defensive relic of the Elves. Who knows how it got into the hands of the organization of gods?
There is purple paint to protect Lin momo. Although he was extravagant during the battle, the peacock has a strong miser hostage. These elves will not cut off the sacred objects.
The Phantom of the Opera rushed to the stern of the elite class of Firefighters with incredible speed. Lin Sisuo hardly knew the name of this elite class, but then again, is it really necessary to know its name?
Hundreds of medium-and-micro-explosive bombs were ejected from the Phantom of the Opera battery area, and five turrets near the elite star cruise ship were suspended, and dozens of black hole bombs were encountered. Although the turrets were not sucked away by small black holes, the short-term method formed an effective offensive.
The turret was temporarily pinned by the black hole bomb, and the micro-explosive bomb, also known as the Firehouse, slowed down for half a beat, and then the Phantom of the Opera crashed straight into the crowd, Malta, and it slammed into the propeller of the enemy ship.
"Boh ….." Fire home elite star cruise ship ass behind rising momentum Lin momo this extremely negative which have stabbed from somebody else’s ass? However, this move is really effective, and you can’t run away from the elite race of Firefighters.
The elite star cruise ship is very strong. Marta’s collision angle is embedded in a depth of five meters. The Phantom of the Opera is the fastest to go backwards. After pulling out the collision angle, it is another hip movement.
In star wars, it’s always life-and-death to win the final victory. What’s fair? It’s not illegal to take part in the star-studded competition.
Phantom of the Opera, the energy shield appeared in the channel. Three brothers and sisters Xuanyuan and Mollie carried water guns across the past. They aimed at the broken propeller of the elite star cruise ship.
Clouds of solution hit Malta and opened cracks. The substance expansion agent can widen the distance and make the surface of the substance soft. Pieces of weathered metal fragments fall off, and the cracks in the hull are increasing.
"Ready to launch" Mo Liede made a gesture to Xuanyuan three brothers and sisters and threw gold pieces of black grenades along the crack.
Active corrosion agents will automatically look for enemies in the hull of elite star cruise ships. This is Lin momo’s consistent wind.
At the same time, the Phantom of the Opera issued a crazy cannon light to block the mobile turret attack. I have to say that Harley’s cover was very successful and the operators were not hurt.
Lin momo pinched his fingers when calculating the active corrosive agent, which can solve the problem that Brother Wu met with a slightly higher level. Brother Wu has no place, and if the enemy ship has a pharmacist, he will have to cut three points.
Six minutes later, Lin momo grew up and the elite star cruise ship was extremely resilient, especially when five turrets kept shuttling outside, and it was still crazy to bombard and delay the outcome. Now the only way is to board the ship.
Ranging from Lin momo to the enemy ship, seven fire brothers Wu rushed out, and the crew of both sides fought the Phantom of the Opera, and the bow of the ship became a battlefield.
Brother Firehouse Wu, the lowest repairer, Lin momo is at the same level, and there is also a master near the peak who deserves to be an elite star cruise ship. You know, brother Wu at the tenth level is relatively rare, and you must be a master bring up the rear if you want to win.
Is the Phantom of the Opera short of experts? The answer is that there is no shortage of Athena and Jun God bless, and there are still foreign foreign aid like Mo Lie and Man Man. Lin momo is too lazy to summon the colorful beetle, and seven fire brothers Wu are in a bad situation.
"Luo Luo fire home is very good! The more noble the family status is, the more enjoyable it is to kill. "Athena smiled and waved Darwin’s crystal coils of golden halo to spread out the battlefield and it became her personal show.
After all, Athena, the master of fire home near the peak, was a long way from being struck several times, and she was born again. The master of fire home immediately realized that it was going to be unlucky today.
Bring up the rear, the bow of the Phantom of Athena, and Yu Xuanyuan, the beater of Jun God Bless, and Odin are also not provincial oil lamps and Christine are ready to govern the seven fire brothers Wu.
Lin momo’s brain leaps with a silver flame to see his body flashing and moving into the enemy ship’s body flashing again. The Dark Phoenix silent gun has been set to his arm.
If this elite star cruise ship of Fireman is in good condition, then even if Lin momo’s source-seeking ability is magical, he can move in. There is no enmity between the two sides. At most, the Fireman’s exports are inferior, but Lin momo has failed to consider so many eyes and is willing to kill.
Phantom of the opera, released back and forth, most of the attacks are directed at this elite, and the negative energy cannon is specially used to corrode the energy shield. Before the Phantom of the Opera hits, the elite of the fire house loses its energy shield.
Some people will say that this elite ship is stupid? Why don’t you use your boat skills? There’s nothing I can do about it. What kind of stuff will it be to lead the patrol? It’s not that it doesn’t work, but that it doesn’t work much.
There are many types of ship’s fighting skill, such as the blood reward. The ability to come and go is also an auxiliary ship’s fighting skill. It has no attack ability. What’s worse, the Phantom of the Opera is nailed to this elite ass?
Lin momo’s speed is very fast, and he breaks through to the outside of the main control room of the enemy ship. Suddenly, the tangible force field oppresses him. If he falls into this place, it will be difficult to go out again.
Dark Phoenix silence cannon throughput light a beam of light boom master control room door almost instantaneous energy and melt the door Lin momo see master control room scene slightly zheng.
Star cruises have developed to be superior in terms of elite energy interest rates. The main control room is simply another place where you can’t feel the breath. I’m afraid it will be dangerous to enter casually.
"Too bad so many force fields are piled up together. It’s the first time to see the turret outside so difficult. Even if Harley can block the cannon light, it will be bad for Phantom of the Opera." Lin momo thought of here and slowly lifted the Dark Phoenix Silent Gun. After half a breath, a beam roared out and the force field in front appeared a shake.
"Hey? Dark Phoenix’s silent gun actually works. "Lin momo was surprised when the silver flame fluctuated and a colorful Guanghua Ran Ran rose.

Dark owl hasn’t spoken. Although he is a player in front of Chitantan’s heartbroken teeth, he is also very stressed. When he sees three words in sequence, he can’t help but vomit. "The Eastern Zhou Dynasty called Fog-wrapped Mountain without 10,000, and there are thousands of spit towers, which is even more difficult."

Chitan Dan didn’t speak. He was heartbroken and looked up at the sky at the same time. At this time, it was noon, and the two of them didn’t really look at the sky, but looked at the most awesome god in the virtual world-unification; The map of the Cave of Gamblers has appeared. I wonder what kind of activities will be arranged this time so that Chitan Tanya can continue to enjoy the better treatment of celebrities, that is, the "protagonist aura"
Giving a "protagonist aura" does not mean that the protagonist will definitely cross the road when he encounters difficulties. The protagonist naturally has Chi Tandan, but the knight who becomes famous in the game will be beaten by the "protagonist aura"; Since then, the young Xia and the female Xia who have been hit by the aura have gone through hardships and cried for their parents to stumble forward.
How long has a calm day not come? Chitan Dan’s heartbroken teeth can’t remember clearly. Since the establishment of the legion organization, they have been running around and killing official forums every day, releasing many scenic spots. They have never been there, and there are games to entertain them. They have also never been there.
According to the map, four people rode horses to bypass the Black Dragon City, which was still in full swing, and set foot on the official road of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. After several turnoffs, they finally arrived at the border city of Dongjing-Huxiao; All entrants need to pay 1 tael of silver, and they also need to show their jade cards. NPCs are just a piece of paper, but players are a piece of Yu Pei. Information can be displayed or hidden. Of course, the nationality and nationality of the place of birth must be shown, otherwise the soldiers will arrest you for being black.
The black market is a tragedy. He will be sent to mining places to dig for minerals and media, and it has not yet come to light. However, those places are not well guarded. If the orphan family hadn’t sent homing pigeons and called three or five friends, they would have been able to escape from that place. Compared with jailbreaking, it takes a large-scale manpower transfer to make it possible to escape. The number of prison security is greatly related to whether there are garrisons near the size of the city.
The heartbroken tooth is a wanted man, but the four great powers did not publish the article on sea arrest, but handed it over to the masters of the Justice League and the National Xia League; Therefore, heartbroken teeth can also take out their own jade cards and pay 1 tael of silver.
The Northern Han Dynasty is famous for its bravery, the Tianjing State is famous for its cunning bombing, the Tiannan Tang State is famous for its poetry, and the Eastern Zhou State is famous for its order. It is obvious that the four countries show their different national appearances and national characteristics, and the Eastern Zhou countries are orderly. It is obvious that the carriage takes the fast track, and the pedestrian takes the wrong track. Waiting is just that those who have a bad attitude are locked up and re-educated directly.
Leveling and standardizing streets, shops and houses with uniform specifications and sizes make all the knights of the early Eastern Zhou Dynasty feel novel, especially those of the Northern Han Dynasty; The Northern Han Dynasty is famous for its bravery, and the Northern Han Dynasty is also the most chaotic place. This kind of chaos is due to geographical factors. The Northern Han Dynasty connects the Hu nationality countries, while the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is coastal, and according to the Southern Tang Dynasty, the sky is along the coast.
Tang Yuanyuan’s dark owl was a chivalrous man in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The broken tooth was originally a member of Jieyan County. When this country was destroyed by the Northern Han Dynasty, it automatically became the Northern Han Dynasty. Regional discrimination also exists in the virtual world. The NPC of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty welcomes people in the Southern Tang Dynasty to despise the Northern Han Dynasty and regard the Western Jin Dynasty as a country, while people in the Southern Tang Dynasty are arrogant and regard the other three countries as wild countries.
The NPC of the Northern Han Dynasty envies and hates the Southern Tang Dynasty and the Western Jin Dynasty. Although they are difficult brothers and brothers, they don’t like each other. If the Western Jin Dynasty commits crimes in the Northern Han Dynasty, it will definitely increase the crime; The western Jin dynasty, like a stepmother, has the lowest status in the whole day. This low position does not refer to national strength, but to its national mentality
Chitantan’s heartbroken teeth are surprised to see the dark owl coming all the way. He is still a rookie. I didn’t expect to have such a deep study on the customs of various countries in the world. Those words are that the dark owl walked all the way and said that she received the eyes of two bosses. The dark owl said that she was under pressure and said, "I am a brother outside the Hiram’s Hospital."
When I heard it, my brother Chi Tandan’s heartbroken teeth showed a sudden color. Although Gongyuan was called an "insane asylum", it was natural that chivalrous people could not be allowed to read in the game. The knowledge in Gongyuan was all game materials. Some games may be found in Gongyuan books before the curtain is announced for the time being to see if there is such an understanding person, that is, the younger brother of Gongyuan needs to have a deeper understanding of the game information, otherwise he can’t get started.
Each sect got off to a different start. How many wanted criminals does Zen need to kill if it wants to fight Murenxiang’s Wuhuadi? How many wanted men does it need to travel in heaven? With the Tang Dynasty’s ancient chivalrous inheritance being acquired by the chivalrous men in the early stage, players can choose to join various sects, and the two sects of Zhongtian, Righteousness and Evil are becoming more and more prosperous.
When the night falls, Chi Tandan and other four people finally arrive at the map of "Fog-wrapped Mountain" according to the map. The red light still flashes regularly. It used to be a triangle pointing to three sentences. When the keys arrive at the book, they automatically close together and point straight to the fog-wrapped mountain top.
After resting in the mountain for 20 minutes, the four men recovered their horses and walked slowly along the rugged mountain road. When it was dark, four torches lit up the range of about ten meters. The mountain breeze is blowing a little cold, and the dark owl dumplings are all B-size peak repairs. They are all doing A-size trials. If they don’t find Chitantan, they can give up this choice and choose another one.
However, nowadays, the A-brand trials are all associated with the famous knights with the "protagonist aura", which is a bit like a master pulling a novice; However, the experts refuse to help without punishment. The sad reminder is that the novices who want to do trials are unified. If they don’t let the experts refuse the novices for help, they will connect the experts and novices’ trials, just like the dark owl Tang Yuanyuan and Chi Tandan’s "last-day policy guards".
The heartbroken tooth is purely a soy sauce role. He also has a lot of unfinished work, but even if he is pulled into the pit of "gambling god cave" by thunder, he naturally wants to see if this gambling god cave is as rich as he said.
Deep in the mountains, the wolf howled and heartbroken, walking in front, and the dark owl Tang Yuanyuan was in the middle. After four people walked from the mountain for about 20 minutes, they stopped at the mountain road. Here, they disappeared and there were obstacles such as thorns and bushes in front.
The heartbroken tooth magically pulled out two thin bladed knives from his double sleeves. These two knives are the most valuable things for the heartbroken tooth. The heartbroken tooth died nearly 27 times, and nearly 10 million pieces of silver were thrown into nearly 200,000 soft coins before finally getting the weapon.
"Hook Wu’s double attack with a knife in the sleeve +85 as thin as a piece of paper. It can be long or short, hidden in the sleeve, sticking to the hand and hiding, and you can use the knife method. It can also be used when hidden weapons makes the input force form a long knife, and the hidden weapons technique can hit the knife gas."
The martial art of heartbroken teeth is inherited from the third-level barrier of "Gankun in the Sleeve" in Du Fuwei. It has been 75 years to practice martial arts. Ten million pieces of martial arts moves, such as Cangjie Asahi Knife, Luansang hidden weapons Knife, Gankun Knife in the Sleeve/hidden weapons’s posture, are used to shoot Yandian with light skill.
It’s sad to see the "knife in the sleeve" in the hands of heartbroken teeth, and it’s also sad to say that he is famous all over the world, and the knight-errant opponent rubs the man without a good thing; Although he owns the "secretariat suit" he wears, this thing is unique because none of the players hold the post of "secretariat".
The knife in the hook Wu sleeve condenses a knife gas, and when the heartbroken tooth displays the knife gas of hidden weapons martial arts, it comes out and directly smoothes the obstacles in front; Although the knife gas is good, it coagulates when needed, and the coagulation speed is different according to the work center method.
Chitan Dan’s "secretariat sword" can also condense a firm but gentle shock wave with a length of five meters. This barrier has been repaired. He is a five-level heartbroken tooth or a three-level one. From this, you can imagine that the top master of Tianzihao Nine-level Barriers condensed a firm but gentle spirit or something else. That Nima really swept a large area!
The coolie’s heartbroken teeth are constantly condensing, and the speed of going forward is not slow. The direction pointed by the map key is still four people, and there is no shaking deviation in front; After walking on for nearly half an hour, I heard a huge roar in my ear, but I came to a waterfall, which was as spectacular as a white Long Qian deep under the moonlight.
The words "Tujianglou" on the map suddenly lit up, and I kept holding the map, and Tang Yuanyuan was so scared that she cried out and was embarrassed to look around to cover up the embarrassment; Chitan Dan glanced at the map and then at the waterfall, wondering, "Is this waterfall Tujiang Tower?"
"Thunder and rain, fog wrapped in mountains and rivers, looking down at the sun."
Heartbroken tooth patted his thigh and shouted, "I don’t want to wait for the thunder and rain to fall at the waterfall to see the gambling god cave."
Looking at the starry sky and then at the bright moon, it doesn’t look like it will rain. Suddenly, my heartbroken teeth are a little depressed and I look at it in a daze. Chi Tandan said, "What should I do if my balls are swollen?"
"You ask me?" Chitan Dan looked at heartbroken tooth very seriously and asked heartbroken tooth, knowing that this soul is light, he would definitely say "How do I know", so he turned to look at Shang Yuanyuan, a dark owl, and these two were also receivers.
Dark owl looked at heartbroken tooth and then at Chitan Dan, who raised his right hand like a schoolboy. He jumped to dark owl’s side and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Dude, if you have something to say, I’m very approachable."
"Of course you are approachable. Every time you are approachable, you will level people’s lives, make their belongings easy, then sweep away the traces (near) and leave quietly." Chitantan vomited aside.
"Yo, Dan Dan, I just found out that you are so talented!" Heartbroken teeth a face of worship shouted.
Chitan Dan replied, "I really don’t mean to continue to worship my brother."
Dark owl saw that the two bosses were caught in each other’s spit, and Nai coughed and said, "Heroes, I know another explanation of Lei Mingyu."
"Well" heartbroken tooth red Tandan stopped spitting at the right time and watched the dark owl wait for him to continue to talk. After the dark owl said another meaning of "Thundering Rain", the two bosses lamented that Hiram’s Hospital was indeed Wen Qing’s haunting Zhongying, so the strange meaning could be explained, and the things explained by the Kei Hiram’s Hospital were all real games.
According to the information that Dark Owl saw in Hiram’s Hospital, Lei Mingyu actually has a homophonic meaning of "getting caught in the rain". It is said that a chivalrous man once made a similar expedition, and he was puzzled at first, but then he ran in a cave and was suddenly awakened by water droplets, thus solving the mystery and getting what he wanted.
"Get wet" is easy to explain. This is the waterfall, and there must be another cave behind it. After the four people swam to the bottom of the waterfall, they took a deep breath, then dived into the bottom of the waterfall until they reached nearly ten meters before swimming forward, estimating that they had swam through the waterfall, and then their heartbroken teeth stretched out their thumbs and nodded their heads and jumped out together.
"Hua" Four people’s heads are out of the water, and behind it is a water curtain waterfall, which splashes strong water droplets and splashes the skin of four people, and the blood volume is deducted by dozens of points; This made the four people feel glad that they didn’t come in directly from the front of the waterfall, otherwise they would be hit by the attack force formed by the waterfall. It’s hard to say that Chitandan’s heartbroken teeth may not die, and it’s hard to say that Tang Yuanyuan’s dark owl.
The dark owl, crawling with moss and stones from the water, was not steady for a while and slipped into the water, causing Tang Yuanyuan to laugh and break his heart, reaching out and pulling the dark owl out of the water; Three chivalrous men undress directly and dry their clothes and equipment. They need to shake and dry their clothes directly, but they are ordinary things. Tang Yuanyuan has no place to hide. He can choose to trust three chivalrous men.
It’s a pity that she overestimated Chitantan’s heartbroken teeth. When she changed her clothes, Chitantan’s heartbroken teeth happened to happen to coincide. She turned her head slightly out of the corner of her eye and aimed at Tang Yuanyuan. What makes the two prostitutes/thieves depressed is that there is no ignition before, and the light outside is blocked by the waterfall. They can see a vague figure. The two prostitutes/thieves sigh for a change, and the expression of the gentleman is no longer turned to peep.
Four torches were lit to illuminate the nearby rocks. When climbing along the layered rocks for about ten meters, the front was flat and there was a cave ten paces away from Chitantan. The cave was sealed by a huge rock, and the outward side of the rock was engraved with three bright red words "gambler’s cave"
Chapter 20 Gambling God Cave ()
It’s so easy to find the two heroes in the gambling god cave who are given the "protagonist aura" in a unified way. It’s unbelievable to see each other’s eyes dignified when they look at each other. The more easy it is to say that waiting for them behind is a bigger surprise. The heartbroken tooth stepped forward and his palm pressed against the rock that blocked the cave. Something strange happened. His palm penetrated the rock.
Can’t prevent the whole person from falling forward. The micro-manipulation of the Great Xia here shows that the broken tooth quickly takes out the martial arts moves of "falling a thousand pounds" from the belt and puts them into the martial arts moves column, and then the whole person stops; Outside, Chitandan three people saw the wonder that the heartbroken tooth was actually set in that rock. Because he was moving forward, Chitandan three people could see his back and see his expression clearly.
"I’m stuck in the slot" cried heartbroken tooth sadly, but the sound did not change.
After thinking about it, Chi Tandan rushed forward, and the whole person hit the rock, or rather hit the back of the heartbroken tooth, which was hit into the cave, but Chi Tandan was stuck in the rock layer; This situation makes the dark owl Bai of Tang Yuanyuan definitely need a person to get stuck in the rock. The dark owl motioned for Tang Yuanyuan to hit Chitantan. After thinking about it, Tang Yuanyuan nodded, so the dark owl became the last person stuck in the rock.
But the dark owl is a human being. If he doesn’t go in, he may be triggered by the law, but the cave department is not very optimistic. The first to go in, the heartbroken tooth didn’t go far, only walked about five steps and stopped, because he found the same rock blocking the hole in the front road.
I don’t feel right. Chi Tandan made the soup round and hit the dark owl. He hit the dumpling round again. Finally, the broken tooth was left on the rock. So his face was outward, but Chi Tandan and others talked face to face. Chitan Dan looked at the rock stuck in the mouth of the cave and always felt that this rock was familiar and square. "Isn’t it just color?" Chitan Dan took a thigh and shouted
After shouting Chitantan, his face looks ugly. If a rock blocks one person to represent a color "one point", doesn’t that mean that the rock behind him will block two people to become a color "two points"? In order to test their own ideas, Chi Tandan and other three people crashed into the rock again, but this time it was Chi Tandan who finally stayed in the rock. After the dark owl Tang Yuanyuan got stuck in the hole and blocked the rock in front of him, Chi Tandan knew that his guess was correct. In the absence of any collision, the two tragic chivalrous men and women could temporarily get stuck in the rock and knock Chi Tandan out of the first rock, and the other three people got stuck in the rock except Chi Tandan.
"Red boss, everything depends on you!" Cried heartbroken tooth
Chi Tandan said that the pressure is great. He hasn’t figured out a way to walk around the cave for the time being. All the gambling tools are for betting on the size. From this aspect, does it mean that if you get another rock and stuff two things into it, it will become "two points", which will be bigger than "one point", so that the "one point" rock with broken teeth will disappear?
But there are a bunch of rocks around that are covered with mossy materials, but the rocks that are stuck in the broken teeth are different, and the player’s advantage is revealed here. Every player has a riding fence, and he can summon the riding wherever he is. If the family can still summon him, it will solve many problems, and now he can ride easily.
Riding one’s own horse towards Chitantan and rushing towards the rock is a "Peng"-two points are bigger than one point. Chitantan and the heartbroken horse crashed into the hole from the rock, and the rock engraved with "Gambling God Cave" gradually shrunk and then shrunk, and finally became a square stone with a length and width of one meter.

The TV play in the dream is very popular, but there is also a problem.

That is, the original play was actually copied from him.
In other words, this novel was published by the original copywriter.
In this way, although the TV play was very phenomenal at that time, it was once notorious because of the actual rebuttal evidence given by the author’s law and after being deeply analyzed.
Of course, that’s the author’s problem and the drama is not big
In that play, his actors did not suffer any harm and made great progress with the phenomenal scenery.
However, there is a small problem with the original TV play.
Yes, this TV play is Hua Qiangu.
There is nothing I can do to choose this drama.
Fang Siyi’d like to write to the sky kingdom, but the latter, although the plot seems simple, is really not what he can achieve now.
Because if something is restored in a dry way, it is not called a novel, it is called a drama.
After much reasoning, Fang Siyi decided to write Hua Qiangu first.
First of all, Hua Qiangu didn’t appear until 2000, and those so-called plagiarism templates were five years later.
It’s only been four years now. If you are creative, you can believe him, but if you are …
He ha ha each other a face.
Besides, different people have different writing styles.
Fang Siyi has no reason not to write a novel that has been proved to be a great sensation after being remake.
Anyway, he is a copywriter.
Besides, a man writing a sadomasochism and a woman writing a sadomasochism are two different things.
However, Fang Siyi, who has a TV play, doesn’t mind modifying the original work.
The most primitive fact is that Hua Qiangu is a primary school student.
On the one hand, it is naturally because the original author copied it, on the other hand, it is also because the original author just started to enter this circle at that time and has not yet formed his own personal style. Compared with Fang Siyi at the moment, the root method of dealing with some details is
Still the previous sentence.
Bad writing is better than good memory.
Writing too much for some words is naturally not comparable to those new people who are new to the country.
Although Fang Siyi’s description in writing is neither nuanced nor elaborate
But Fang Siyi also has his own advantages.
This advantage is the huge amount of reading!
Even if a person likes reading Fang Siyi very much, he will read dozens or hundreds of books at most, and some people may never read so many books in their lives.
But what about Fang Siyi?
Having a dream and working hard during the day will be twice as long as others when you enrich yourself!
More keys, that’s a dream!
The cause of dreams has been verified, but I believe many people know that time in dreams is completely different from reality.
In ancient times, there was a saying that it was such a thing as a dream.
In fact, although many people can’t remember clearly what happened in their dreams, I believe many people know that the time you have to spend in your dreams is much longer than in reality.
Chapter 2 Something terrible has happened!
In this way, you can easily watch a film and television drama in your dreams, and it may be only a few hours in reality.
But what if you watch TV dramas in reality?
I’m sorry, but it’s less than two hours, but it’s a drama.
You know, even today’s shortest twenty-TV drama, you have to watch fifteen hours every forty-five minutes!
And a day is only twenty-four hours!
That is to say, you can watch at most one TV play a day.
But what about Fang Siyi?
Because of the dream, after watching a whole TV play, he still has a lot of spare time to enrich himself during the day.
He can look at some basic materials, and he can try something according to his own preferences.
And these can’t affect his rest time
What’s more interesting is that stories in dreams can be clearly recalled!
You said you have a good memory, and you can remember it when you were a child, so can you remember how many words you said yesterday?
Can you remember which detail you saw in the film and television drama yesterday?
But Fang Siyi can
Therefore, his style transformation did not cause too many waves.
However, the problem is coming.
Fang Siyi’s change of style is Hua Qiangu.
This is a Xian Xia drama.
And Guo Siniang?
He became famous by virtue of last year’s fantasy drama "Fantasy City"
However, in this era, Xianxia and fantasy have just been divided, and there is no specific time to have any unique style.
In other words, many people’s fantasy is Xianxia Xianxia is fantasy.
I’m afraid this concept will not be officially changed until after the publication of Wandering Travel in 2008.
However, it is a pity for Fang Siyi that although he knows this novel in his memory, Fang Siyi has never seen it in his dreams.
And what I know is because there is such a sentence in a future TV play.
"Since five years" Wandering Travel "created the theme of fix true XianXia …"
Yeah, it’s gone
Fang Siyi knows that this novel will appear in 2008, but he doesn’t know exactly what the story is.
But good Fang Siyi is not bad as that one.
As mentioned earlier, it is precisely because people do not have an accurate positioning of Xianxia and Fantasy in this era that it is difficult to be compared when the two cities are in the same place.
Actually, I have seen it, and both of them know that this is two different stories.
Guo Siniang’s "Fantasy City" is more of a marketing tool that embodies a grand world outlook, a sophisticated writing style and, of course, a far-reaching literary accomplishment.
This "Fantasy City" is very popular.

"Will Feiyang be a brother to little Yangyang?" Miao pulled Liu Feiyang into her arms. "Will you wait for your father to come back and pick you up at your aunt’s house?"

Liu Feiyang is Liu Ma Sun. Now that Liu Ma is gone, the child’s father has no landing, and the child’s mother is lying in peace. How can she have the heart to push the child into society?
Although Jia Xue committed suicide and brought trouble to Chen Lan’s mother and daughter, but the child is a koo, she is also quite wronged. It is necessary to wait for a few days, and Lu Fengxing also wants her to slow down. Why is this mother so impatient? Or are you too guilty to know that there is no reason to ask for many things?
"Feiyang wants to wait for his father and mother to fly in his own home and not go anywhere!" Liu Feiyang leaned against his shoulder and began to cry sadly.
"Aunt knows that you are sad, and that you always need patience to wait for mom and dad. We have learned that we can’t delay our studies. Today is Saturday, the Lantern Festival is over, and we have to go to school after the weekend. Do you think you can do it yourself?" Miao gently patted Liu Feiyang’s back. "Go home with your aunt, and she will take good care of you!"
"hey!" Miao is still comforting Liu Feiyang, who is very popular. He rushed over like a flash and took it directly from Miao’s arms. Yangyang carefully checked "Is the child okay?"
"It’s okay to check everything!" Tears of guilt overflowed from the corner of Miao’s eyes. "I’m sorry that I didn’t take good care of the children, but my mother was incompetent!" "
"How can you be blamed?" Looking at the tears, my heart is going to break, and I am excited to hug the little woman in my arms. "It’s all that woman who is so vicious that it deserves to die for a baby to be able to hand!"
If you think about it, you will feel regret. If you knew this woman was so unrepentant, you shouldn’t let her go easily. You should have let her go to prison. It’s all your own thoughts that led to today’s big mistake. It also brought trouble to Chen Lan’s mother and daughter. Think that Sun Xiaoyu is so small that she will lose her mother. Lu Fengxing really feels that she can’t feel avenged by cutting Jia Xue to pieces.
"Popular-"Miao gently pulled the man’s sleeve in the hope that he could notice Liu Feiyang’s mood.
"What’s the matter? Am I wrong?" Lu Fengxing’s anger at the bottom of my heart can be curbed by the thought that my son has experienced that emotion. "She has lived enough by herself, so forget it. Why do you bring trouble to Chen Lan’s mother and daughter?" Xiaoyu is only six years old and has to face life without a mother. Do you think such a bad woman deserves sympathy? "
"My mother is not a vicious woman or a bad woman!" Liu Feiyang’s anger rushed to Lu Fengxing. "You are the bad guy. You don’t let your mother see your aunt. You caused your mother to have an accident! You are a bad person, you pay for my mother! Blare-"
Liu Feiyang was disorganized, and he frowned tightly when he hit the landing. Before he could speak, Song Yang had given Liu Feiyang the strength to build a child. How could he compete with such an adult? Song Yanggen didn’t give Liu Feiyang a chance to break free. He struggled and kicked.
"It’ s very pitiful that the children who have just lost their mothers are popular!" Miao feels that Liu Feiyang needs to be pregnant now.
"He doesn’t even have a sense of right and wrong at least. Do you think he will be any better than his mother?" Lu Fengxing has long been impatient with this matter. Seeing that his arms have just experienced a disaster, he will never be kind again!
At the moment, the brain is a mess, and there is no mind to argue with men. She silently looks at Ang Lee and hopes that Ang Lee can take care of Liu Feiyang first. How to arrange it later is really not the time to arrange it.
Ang Lee understood the following meaning and took the initiative to walk to the front of Song Yang to pull Liu Feiyang into his arms.
"Young lady, it’s not good to take the children back to rest early and feed the people hungry!" It’s long past lunch now, and I’ve fed the baby again. I’m sure I’m hungry. Ang Lee woke up and took his wife away.
"Let’s go home and talk about it!" There is no wife to eat and sleep well in the world, and it is popular in mainland China that I should take Miao back. I don’t know if I should cancel meeting my friends like this after I do.
"Flying, please!" Miao earnestly looked at Ang Lee and Cai Yi’s love for Feiyang.
"Don’t worry, Ang Lee and I will arrange him!" Choi also came to Feiyang’s side, hoping that Ying could relax.
I sighed in my heart, but I still followed the popular trend. What happened to this world? It seems that everything has become different in the blink of an eye. When I came out in the afternoon, there were still three people who went back now. I really don’t know how to explain such an accident.
"The popular sister Lan was killed by a car to save Yangyang!" When I think about Chen Lan in Taiping, I feel a kind of sadness. It will be very cold if I lie in the cold cabinet like that without temperature. I must miss my daughter very much. There must be a lot of disappointment and sadness!
"I’ll arrange her funeral and I’ll take good care of her. It’s my duty!" Lu Fengxing took Miao into his arms and sighed silently.
"It’s popular not to tell Xiaoyu that Sister Lan had an accident, but to say that Sister Lan has gone to the United States to do things and will come back when it’s done, okay?" Miao suddenly felt that it was cruel to tell the child such cruel news during the Lantern Festival. She would rather give the child a false hope than let the child fall into the darkness of hell as soon as he got there.
"hmm!" Lu Fengxing nodded his head stiffly because he didn’t know if the children could understand their kindness and accept the regret of not attending their mother’s funeral.
Cai Yi and Ang Lee brought the children home. Cai Yi now lives in the same year that Wenzezong gave the suite to Miao, which is more spacious than Ang Lee’s. After that, Liu Feiyang can be arranged with a separate room, and both rooms are big beds, which is also convenient for Ang Lee to stay with him.
"Is it okay for Feiyang to stay here with his aunt first?" Cai Yi led Liu Feiyang to visit a whole room. "Auntie usually lives alone and is afraid that you will stay with me?"
Section 335
Liu Feiyang silently bowed his head and didn’t speak.
"Feiyang, maybe you still can’t understand what happened in the adult world to make you accept that the situation is indeed cruel, but the fact is often that it is hard to resist. Be strong and we will come with you!" Ang Lee squatted in front of Liu Feiyang. "You forgot that you and your mother said that you want to be a man, but you must be strong!"
"Is mom never coming back?" Willow flying silently raised targeting top would have been full of tears.
"Mom and grandma went to the same place. Let’s wish them a good journey in our hearts!" Ang Lee patted Liu Feiyang on the shoulder like an adult. "If we put them in our hearts, they will not leave us and will silently watch our efforts and struggles in the sky. Are you willing to cheer?"
"hmm!" Liu Feiyang nodded with tears in her eyes. "I will be a man!"
"Ang Lee, go back to your room with Feiyang and sleep for a while. I’ll call you when I’m ready to cook!" Cai Yi thinks that Liu Feiyang really needs company now and should take a rest. He must be tired after crying for so long.
"Well, that’s hard for you!" Li Anchong Cai nodded and took Liu Feiyang into another bedroom.
Considering everyone’s mood, we made light rice porridge and some side dishes before we set the table and walked into the children’s bedroom, while Ang Lee and Liu Feiyang were already asleep.
Flying face is still covered with tears and nose is red. It’s really distressing to look at it. It’s always good to fall asleep. Maybe when you wake up, you will know that some things have to be faced. When you fall asleep and wake up a few times, many things will be different, just like when you were so miserable, you feel that you can’t live any longer. After you get over it, you will find that life is made up of several pains. Living is to learn to bear it!
I helped two people to cover it gently and was quietly retired by Caiyi. It feels good to be able to take care of others. It seems that I still need Caiyi to consider it, such as arranging the Lantern Festival.
Miao was already asleep on the way home. The thrilling experience was really vigorous. Things were ups and downs. The mood and sadness made women feel collapsed in men’s arms and soon fell asleep.
"Song Yang, no one is allowed to say anything in Luzhai today!" Lu Fengxing ordered Song Yang to die. He didn’t want the family to follow him, mainly because he didn’t want to show any flaws in Xiaoyu.
"I know!" Song Yang drove the car and answered very calmly.
"This is the last mistake. If there is such an accident again, you will quit!" Lu Fengxing’s voice was as cold as moving an iceberg and pressing it on Song Yangshen.
"It was my poor protection that frightened the young lady and young master. It won’t happen again!" Song Yang knows what Miao and Yangyang mean to Lu Fengxing. Lujia is good to him. He can’t let Lujia down.
"I hope you keep your word!" Lu Fengxing looked at the baby chair, and the sleeping child felt a lot better. God really loved him.
Miao was carried back to the bedroom, groggy, and didn’t wake up. Maybe she didn’t want to wake up. She really didn’t know whether to face the small language inquiry or avoid it first.
Wang Ni accompanied Sun Xiaoyu for an afternoon, and it was almost the same time. She was still worrying in her mind. I don’t know if Jia Xue was too difficult. I saw Lu Fengxing coming back with Miao, but she did wait for Song Yang with her child for a long time and didn’t see Chen Lan coming in.
"Why didn’t mom come back?" Wang Ni is still thinking about what the situation is, and the immature voice of the small language rings.
"It is estimated that there are any arrangements. Ask the young lady in the afternoon and you will know!" Wang Ni rubbed his small hair top "can you play in the room for a while? The teacher should go back! "
Wang Ni is in a hurry now. She especially wants to know what happened. She always feels that Lu Fengxing looks particularly ugly today. Song Yang looks a little embarrassed. Something must have happened. Otherwise, how could Miao be held back? It’s so weird!
"Goodbye, teacher!" Sun Xiaoyu didn’t travel with Wang Ni. She exercised very independently when she was in the United States. It’s no problem to wait for her mother outside the shop, let alone wait in the room.
"Goodbye!" Wang Nichong Sun Xiaoyu waved and picked up her bag and walked out of the Liu Zhai.

Behind every transaction is an oppressed and exploited family!

Su Yu cold drink a way
After Ann and her nephew An Gaochi recovered, they worshipped Master An Yuda.
Anhe followed Su Yu’s powerful intelligence and was responsible for finding evidence against the duke.
The famous Yanjing Castle was also handed over to a trusted confidant.
An he ying Dao
"Stay after the orcs redeem people you will publish these evidence! And give Anchang’s eating inside and picking outside things to the young master to parade around and show the public that he will die! Then hang the head of the sacred mountain into history! "
Su Yu said in a low voice that his voice was calm, but he made Anhe particularly appall and was gratified that Ziya Mountain had a single-minded democracy
The fact holds the intelligence, and Anhe really knows that the duke has colluded with other people.
But who would have thought that Anchang was so greedy that Yanjingbao alone knew that there were hundreds of pieces of news.
After a search by his hand, he found more than a thousand pieces.
The young master is not only greedy and angry, but also controls the heartache of the people.
It is a blessing for the people of Ziya Mountain to have such a benevolent Lord!
"Yes, young master, this is the list of corrupt officials selected day and night by Yanjing Fort. Please have a look."
Ann and thoughts flow and pulled out a long throne.
This head is mostly on the list of corrupt officials in this plane, from the duke to the small official Anhe, and it is worthy of being the intelligence king of Ziya Mountain. I am afraid that even Ziya Mountain Sect is slightly weak in such detailed information.
If it weren’t for Anhe’s weak power, I’m afraid he would have been famous in Xinghai!
Thanks to this, Su Yu can make such talents belong to himself.
Su Yu nodded, and then he heard the guards of the Lord’s mansion come to report that "the little orc emissary has come to visit!"
Just took Anhe and handed it to Su Yu and heard the guards report.
His eyes were slightly surprised, but he listened to An He’s mysterious way: "Little Lord, there is a star field near this plane that is the territory of the orcs, and this orc seems to have some origins, so it must be some secret law notification cases."
The so-called origin of Anhekou made Su Yu blink.
There are too many foreign heirs to be counted, and it is common to send a weak heir to the lower plane at will.
Yu Anhe said Yuanyuan, I’m afraid this belongs to the illegitimate category.
"Then let him in. Is Anhe Manhuo still alive?"
Su Yu moment low way
Yesterday, it was quite a fire to let Anhe take the pig head to the duke to teach him a lesson. I don’t know what happened after a night.
"Pretty fire must still be alive. Don’t worry."
Ann and heard the little Lord’s words and immediately cold sweat came.
He was busy investigating intelligence yesterday, and threw the pretty fire at Shu.
I remember that I said at the time that it seemed that I wanted someone to live, and I could do whatever I wanted.
It seems a little bad to think about it now. If he remembers correctly, there are a group of foreigners who like men in Yanjing Castle. Those guys don’t put Man Huo with those perverts, do they?
"You go and have a look first."
Su Yu looked Ann and deep way
An He gave Su Yu a courtesy and left the room.
Soon there will be a bodyguard from the castellan’s mansion who will bring the orc messenger here.
"Orc emissary is quite built. See Ziya Mountain for details."
Manjian is an alien at present, and the clan leader is related by blood. Nai’s strength is too weak to be arranged in a lower level. This stay is a thousand years. If it weren’t for the fire, he wouldn’t even represent Zongli.
But Manjian is an ambitious alien, and he hopes to return to the Sect through Manhuo to compete for the control of the Orcs.
Therefore, Manjian is willing to lower his noble head and negotiate with Su Yu.
Su Yu’s eyes are slightly surprised. Pretty cheap?
That’s a cheap name
"Are you ready to negotiate with the main star domain?"
Su Yu thought and then asked
Manjian knows Su Yu’s deeds.
Su Yu, the young master of Ziya Mountain and the emperor of Yanhuang, is not as old as himself, but his hand power is far higher than himself.
However, both of them are related by blood, and the difference in identity and circumstances between the young master and the young master also makes the establishment uncomfortable.
"The orcs are willing to take out an equal star domain and seven lower star domains to redeem Gu Tianjiao."
Pretty low build said
This is the condition that Zong is willing to give.
Listen to "Touch!" one
Su Yu slapped the table and glared at it.
In the whole body, the emperor’s anger is not spontaneous, and the sight of Su Yu’s anger is slightly nerve-racking.

Qu Feiyan got up and said, "Uncle Er, just think of me as you. How did he attack you at that time?"

JiRebin wanted to think, "He made a total of two moves. Although I was unprepared, they were all aboveboard. I was not as good as others …"
Then he courageously stood up and put on a boxing rack to detain the fur all over his body. At first, it was short and flat, and it was blown like a hedgehog’s temple. It was more like being bitten by a big mosquito and bulging up half an inch. The whole person cried and became alive and energetic.
When Qi Yufeng came to drink water slowly, he immediately spat on the ground and cried in panic, "Don’t be energetic. You have to tear down my house with one stamp. You can’t do it with gestures."
Qi Ruobin nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, followed his chest as if choking, and asked, "How do you collect this magical power?"
Qi Yufeng said in distress situation, "You’ve taken the avatar. You’re a monkey. I’ll teach you later. Just tap it now."
Jirebin was awkward and twisted his feet suddenly, but his right foot took a step forward. His spine was straight, his knees were not bent, his hand was stretched straight, and he punched and punched his wrist.
Although he makes this slow, his fist is like a pike, straight and straight. The rhythm is fresh, simple and rich in natural beauty. Qi Ruofeng and Qi Ruocheng look at each other and see it clearly. "Is this Xingyi Boxing?"
Qi Yufeng continued to drink a mouthful of water and laughed. "This good-looking Xingyiquan has a bearing from Ji Jike’s generation. When I’m healed, I can’t father go door to door and ask him to rely on this kung fu …"
JiReFeng turned to nu way, "Xiao Feng, let’s put the family to eat without martial arts. Why do you smash people’s business for no reason? You can’t bully the weak even if your martial arts are high."
Qi Yufeng laughed. "How many times did you say it when I was a child? When did my classmates find my parents? I’m just saying … "
JiReBin read badly in addition to their own martial arts contact is not much also strange way "this is xingyi quan? I really have never seen it. "
Qi Ruofeng said, "This is the fist-drilling posture in Xingyi Boxing. This footwork is Xingyi Boxing’s ten forms and one horse shape. It seems that some people in Shanxi want to seize the market and expand the business scope?"
Although he had reprimanded Qi Yufeng, it was not easy to expect, but this time JiRebin almost died. How can he swallow this tone? His heart has been extremely dissatisfied with Xingyiquan’s pulse.
JiRebin nodded his head and thought, "But his second move is different from this one. I don’t think it is necessarily a xingyi quan expert."
Immediately, he slowly bumped his shoulder forward.
JiReCheng cried, "This looks like a bear, but it’s not Xingyiquan …"
He didn’t finish his words, but he saw JiRebin take two steps and suddenly punch his arms like a spiral. One punch hit Qufei Yanmian, and the other palm hit her chest.
After this move, he touched his forehead and said, "This man hit my chest with a palm and hit my forehead with a punch, and then … I don’t know anything …"
Qu Fei smoke was two feet away from his front. Although he didn’t exert himself, his arm still couldn’t help but bring out a trace of true qi and strong wind to blow her hair back.
After he finished the trick, her white and defective face was blown away by the wind, showing a trace of ruddy. Seriously, "Clean as a pear core and reflecting the morning glow again" can’t help but blink and wonder, "What is this trick? Can such strange tricks hit people? "
While Qi Yufeng suddenly frowned and his face showed a little confusion. He got up and said, "Two people …" Suddenly, he was unstable and almost fell.
While Chen Shuai hurried over to help him, he shook his head and said, "Mom, I’m fine." Then he held the sofa in one hand and wandered into the living room and said, "Is that true, Uncle?"
After that, he gasped, his arms swelled and flashed a punch, a palm and a left palm, which collapsed forward like a twisted wire; The right hand actually walked an arc in the middle, and the strength of the force was in front of it.
JiRebin cried to shine at the moment and cried, "Yes, this move of yours makes it slower but clearer than me. It is such a move."
Qi Yufeng heard but saw no joy. He was stupefied for a long time before he murmured, "This is in big trouble." He went into his room without explaining it to everyone.
A bunch of people feel puzzled. Qi Ruocheng can’t help but ask, "Do you know what his skill is?"
Qu Feiyan shook his head and said honestly, "I don’t know if this style of play is soft and just like Taoism and Buddhism, but it’s a little gloomy and not like decent martial arts."
JiReFeng see her recruit incredibly summed up so many rules can’t help but shame immediately said, "this martial arts is decent? I don’t know how to divide it? "
Qu Fei said, "I’m not sure, but this kind of martial arts looks weird and hurts people. If it’s a tournament, most people don’t dare to use it."
JiReFeng nodded and said, "It’s a little bit of a loss, but it’s really effective. That’ spiral strength’ is a bit close to the meaning of checking boxing."
But Qi Ruocheng said, "Isn’t that Tai Ji Chuan in spiral strength?"
"Tai Ji Chuan is a theorist now, who dares to really hit you when your second brother pokes his feet for nothing?"
"Isn’t there spiral strength in Wing Chun Boxing?"
"Old four, you just don’t know nonsense every day. If you look at Bin and Xiao Feng, it’s Tai Chi and Wing Chun. Don’t use your head! "
"Hey, hey, I am not anxious to find a way?"
"Don’t guess" Qi Yufeng walked out of the room and glanced at the crowd. "This is White Lotus Kung Fu."
Chapter 24 There are security guards at home
"White Lotus?" There are three brothers and two sisters-in-law sitting in the living room. Hearing these three words, they can’t help but look at each other, which is somewhat puzzling.